Another photoshoot with Radek came by the end of January. We decided to also do some cool stuff using artificial snow. Amazing time and wonderful photos!
Dawid, after two weeks from last photoshoot came back for more great photos!
Pre-order of the limited signed edition of the annual photo album with Best of 2017 portfolio is on-line! Approx. 140 pages with high quality printed photos of 12 male models […]
New model, new face. Tomek dreamt to do photoshoot with me and so we did!
First photoshoot in a new year with Patryk returning with new energy!
Dawid, young emerging actor from southern Poland visited me for the last photoshoot in the 2017 year.
Another year has passed and Mateusz decided to do some stunning photoshoot – and so we did! But this time, no studio at all…
I have oportunity to make photshoot with Radek. Great shooting time and outstanding effects!
Adam Jakubowski Official 2018 Wall Calendar is available in our e-shop. It has 13 pages (cover plus 12 months) with full page high quality photo on every page. Calendar is […]
An opportunity came to do photoshoot with Kuba. Shooting day was long but effects are great. Nadarzyła się okazja by zrobić sesję z Kubą. Długi dzień sesyjny z super efektami.
Almost another year pasted and Krystian came back with visit. We took the opportunity to do some cool pictures again. Ponownie prawie rok od naszej ostatniej współpracy odwiedził mnie Krystian. Znowu skorzystaliśmy z […]
Sowek visited Racibórz again and this time we also changed his image. Check the new haircut in his gallery. Kolejne odwiedziny Sowka w Raciborzu oprócz sesji skutkowały zmianą jego wizerunku za pomocą fryzjera. Efekty w jego […]
It’s been two years since our last session. Szymon from Warsaw came for a new photoshoot. Minęły dwa lata od naszej ostatniej sesji. Szymon z Warszawy przyjechał na nową sesję.
Kamil from the Lublin area came back for another amazing photoshoot. Kamil spod Lublina powrócił na kolejną świetną sesję.
Cezary, dancer, Poland’s Got Talent semi-finalist asked me for special photoshoot using flour. Another amazing effects! Tancerz, półfinalista 9 edycji Mam Talent – Cezary, poprosił mnie o wykonanie specjalnej sesji z wykorzystaniem […]
Rafał, kitchen chef, came for some personal photoshoot. Check the results in his gallery. Na prywatną sesję przyjechał Rafał, kucharz. Efekty w jego galerii.
I visited Sowek in his house and we made some photos. Check the results in his gallery. Odwiedziałem Sowka w jego domu, a korzystając z okazji zrobilśmy kilka zdjęć. Efekty w jego galerii.
Do you remember Dominik from first big photoshoot we made at 4.12.2014? After more than two years he came back for another photoshoot – we made indoor, outdoor and studio shots. […]
Tomek and Maciek came for the photoshoot in the old abandoned hospital building in Racibórz. You will see effects soon. Tomek i Maciek przyjechali na sesje w starym opuszczonym budynku szpitala […]
Kamil from the Lublin area after a year and a half since our last session, returned in great style. Kamil spod Lublina po półtora roku od naszej sesji powrócił w […]